Connected learning from Mizuko “Mimi” Ito, cultural anthropologist and Research Director of the Digital Media Hub.
The text on the image is tiny, so I wrote the relevant bits below my commentary.
when I look at this image I think about Linked in learning- the site which we have access to as Univ of Edinburgh students. Every course that we complete, we receive a certificate which is automatically displayed on our ‘linked in’ profile for a potential employer (and profiler!) to see. The Linked in Learning educational model has captured a growing market that links learning in school, home and community.
When academic studies and institutions draw from and connect to young people’s peer culture, communities and interest driven pursuits, learners flourish and realise their true potential.-Mizuko “Mimi” Ito
From the diagram;
Connected learning is equitable, social and participatory. Fusing students’ interests, friendships and academic achievement.
Production Centred– Actively producing, creating, experimenting and designing promotes skills and dispositions for lifelong learning in rapidly changing work and social conditions.
Interests, research has repeatedly shown that when the topic is personally interesting and relevant, learners achieve much higher learning outcomes.
Shared purpose. The potential of cross-generational learning and connection unfolds when centred on common goals.
Peer culture Socially meaningful participation (contribute, share, give feedback), = growing knowledge ecology.
Openly networked -Learning is supported in multiple settings when learning is linked in school, home and community.
Academic success as an avenue towards economic and political opportunity. When academic studies and institutions draw from and connect to young people’s peer culture, communities and interest driven pursuits, learners flourish and realise their true potential.
Just Pinned to #mscedc: Mizuko “Mimi” Ito, cultural anthropologist and Research Director of the Digital Media and Learning Hub, was the Tuesday Keynote at the 2013 TIES Conference. There is a lot of talk today about social media and video games distracting and socially isolating children, but Ito is optimistic…