Week 10 Review

This is the week I spent some time on the Lifeblog and hopefully I’ve tidied it up in some sort of week 10semblance of order and sequence.

I enjoyed this course and in particular, I enjoyed the talent, support and cooperation from my classmates. I felt lucky to be surrounded by such a nice bunch of people. I felt that our class tutor did a good job with weaving, summarising and demonstrating online presence.

I really enjoyed my classmate’s artefacts this week and commented on them via the links below.

Best of luck everyone.

My comments on classmate’s posts this week.

Charles Boyle

“A major ethical issue is that YouTube’s algorithm was not designed to help visitors find videos of what they’re looking for but, according to Chaslot (a former YouTube AI engineer), to get them addicted to YouTube”

My comment (to be appoved) link will appear here.

David Yeats

Humorous Podcast on his play with the Soundcloud account- tried to alter the soundlcloud playlist based on the title algorithm in it. Hundreds of songs with the name algorithm in it, but the recommender algrotihm was slow to react- possibly due to the fact that many recommender algorthims still depend on humans to spot the changing trend and change the algorithm.

My comment here

Iryna Althukova used her many (26) international connections to enter the same search terms to see if they would get different results in different parts of the world. I was surprised to learn that no matter where you are in the world, with the exception of China, you get the same search results which are paid for by the big players like Udemy, code academy, Coursera and Edex with few local deviations.

My comment here

JB Fallise

Used a shared you tube account to mess with the algorthim. This emphasisd the fact that In shared devices, the algorithm can never really customise the content, because too many people are influencing the algorithm with diverse choces.. In terms of educational usages, we will find a digital divide here where the less well off students who share devices will not get content catered to ‘what the algorithm thinks they need’. It might not be a bad thing!

My comment here

Michael Wolfindale

Played with Coursera and how the algorithm recommended new courses to him based on choices, and noted that many choices were nudging him towards a westernised Silicon Valley viewpoint of education- these services may end up creating a good fit between you and your media by changing … you

My comment here

Sean Flowers did several plays on several platforms including Facebook and Amazon

My comment here


Valerian Muscat– a huge volume of work completed in a short time.  He made some important commentary on the concept of nudging, and particular it’s relevance to education.

My comment here


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