How does Instagram use AI?

AI inside Instagram is used in 3 ways-

1) newsfeed (sorting your posts),

2) Targeted advertising based on your demographic and what you ‘liked’ in the past and

3) Deep learning-to manage community moderation.

Deep learning looks at words in the comments in posts, it groups the words together and considers what is good and bad text. Bad text might be what it considers trolling, hate speech or words associated with cyberbullying. The algorithm is a closely guarded secret, we do not know how the model works or what type of comments they are targeting or how many comments are being removed. Therefore we don’t know how biased it is, and how much this algorithm is “used to coerce, discipline, regulate and control: to guide and reshape how people, … interact with and pass through .. systems”. Kitchin 2017

Kitchin, R. (2017) Thinking critically about and researching algorithms, Information, Communication & Society, 20:1, 14-29, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2016.1154087


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