ds106radio bumper

I recently joined ds106 as an open participant, whilst conducting a very small scale micro-ethnographic study of ds106 as part of the Education and Digital Cultures (EDC) course (#mscedc).

I have been following along with week five of UMW Spring 2020 and was inspired while listening to ds106radio this week, and hearing everyone’s radio bumpers, to try my hand at the assignment.

It’s my first go at making a radio bumper, and I used Logic and its built-in software instruments, together with the default text-to-speech voice on my Mac (“Daniel”). Despite its very short length, I found it quite difficult to produce something with the right balance, focus and clarity. It is my first try anyhow, and I hope to improve my skills in future, so it’s good practice and I’m learning a lot!

In the meantime, I’ve been learning a little more about ethnography as part of the EDC course. Another thing that inspired me to take part in the radio bumper assignment during my micro-ethnographic study of ds106 was this podcast with anthropologist Tim Ingold. As he puts it:

‘With anthropology, the university in which we study is the world itself….in anthropology, we actually treat the world as a great big university. We don’t make studies of people, we study with them and learn from them.’

I’m certainly learning a lot from taking part in ds106, and from your assignments, and am looking forward to learning more as I explore and study with you further!

Joining ds106 as an open participant…

Hello ds106!

I’m Michael Wolfindale and work as an Instructional Designer at King’s College London. I’m very interested in digital storytelling and ds106.

I am also conducting a micro-ethnography of ds106 as part of an MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh, specifically the Education and Digital Cultures (EDC) course (#mscedc), of which many elements are also ‘open’.

The micro-ethnography is a very small scale study focused on a specific aspect of the course – for more details, you can find out how we plan to build our ethnography. The micro-ethnography will also be published on my own public lifestream blog, which each of the students have as part of EDC.

Due to the nature of ds106, any conversations or activity used as part of the study will already be in the public domain, but please let me know if there are any issues with the above or if you do not wish to be included in the study by commenting on this post. You can also find out more about the ethical considerations of the study.

Thank you and looking forward to exploring ds106!
