Comment on block 3 artefact – my Eurafrican Youtube algorithmic play by ialtukhova

I really loved your artefact, JB! It demonstrates how biased, discriminating and limiting technology can be. I was particularly impressed by the fact that personalization graded the language. This is where the notorious loop comes into play. Your English is not ideal, and it will stay the same, because you are never exposed to authentic speech. And who said it was not ideal after all?

It is also a deep thought that 1 account is not necessarily equal to one user or one identity, and this can be misleading. Inspired by your research, I made a few searches in my Youtube and saw that 99% of everything on offer are products where white people are involved. I’m sure that the same search in Africa would have given opposite results. So how barrier-free is the Internet space? It’s a fat question. Maybe, within time search engines will stick to the same principle as films in the US, when they will fight for diversity and include people of different gender, age, race and abilities in the same search, who knows? We are not talking about the best quality content coming at the top again.

Thank you for such a thought-provoking piece!

Comments for JB’s EDC lifestream

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