Post to Susanne’s Ethnography

Hi Susanne,

Nice work!

“Can a discussion be authentic if it is part of the assessment?” That’s an interesting question. It is similar to asking “can the feedback given on each other’s ethnography be authentic if it is part of the assessment?” I think it can. I think that when we are more inclined to look at one another’s work and/or comments than it stimulates feedback and further thought. It’s unfortunate to admit but if we were not required to look at each other’s work than we would probably never see what everyone else is thinking. This would result in a limited view of the course material.

I think that “what discussions would look like if they weren’t assessed?” is a fair question and one I can answer. I think that it would look like the MOOC I took, no one commented on anything and it felt like talking to a void. It is possible that there would be a discussion that was relevant and thought-provoking but I’m not sure what the chances are of that happening.

All and all I really liked your presentation. And I’ve been thinking about the feedback I’m giving you much more carefully ever since I saw your question about authenticity. So do you think my feedback is authentic?



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