Welcome to week 12 of EDC20 everyone! Very well done for making it this far!
It is great to see all the lifestreams submitted – individually, these are a fantastic record of your journey through the course, and collectively, they represent such a superb resource. I always learn so much from following the lifestreams on this course, and EDC20 is no exception, so thank you everyone!
While this is technically the last week of the course, you still have two weeks before the final assignment deadline: Sunday the 12th of April. I would recommend using this week to develop ideas for your final assignment, both in terms of the topic you choose to explore, and the medium through which you intend to produce your ‘artefact’. You can do this in two ways: through the group discussion in Moodle, and individual discussion with me, either over email or with a brief call or chat. Of course, if you also want to set up alternative spaces for group discussion, please do so.
Also note the summary of the week 10 tutorials posted last week, which outlines some key aspects of the assignment.
I hope everyone is safe and well, and coping with the circumstances as best they can. We are in different parts of the world, where life is being disrupted in different ways, but I’m sure we are all sharing some sense of disruption at the moment, in which our study and work is not our first or only priority. So, please just do what you can, and please don’t let this course and its deadlines contribute to the pressure and stress we are all experiencing!
2 Replies to “week 12 – the home straight!”
Thanks Jeremy! Hope everyone is keeping well amid the circumstances. 🙂
thanks a million