Hi everyone, and welcome to week 10.
I’ve been so impressed with the ‘algorithmic play’ artefacts shared so far – see here, and let me know if I’ve missed anyone – excellent work! If you haven’t completed your artefact yet, do try to do so as soon as you can in order to leave yourself time for the other tasks this week.
The three key tasks this week are:
1) draw together the various activities around ‘algorithmic culture’ – this means completing and sharing your artefact, but also leaving yourself time to view and comment on the work of others. The artefacts are ways to ‘draw conclusions’ from this block, clarify your understanding, and perhaps most importantly at this stage, give yourself some ideas for the upcoming final assignment.
2) participate in our final Hangout tutorial – tutorials are scheduled (UK times) for Tuesday 17th at 11am (3 signed up), Wednesday 18th at 11am (7 signed up), and again at 8pm (8 signed up). This is our last opportunity to meet synchronously as a group, discuss the ‘algorithmic culture’ block, and, probably more importantly, seek clarification about the lifestream submission (see below) and final assignment.
3) submit your lifestream for assessment – please see all the details here. There are two important steps: 1) complete your 500 word final lifestream summary, making sure it is included as a post in your lifestream AND copied into a separate word processing document (or text), and 2) use Moodle to submit a link to your lifestream AND your word processed final lifestream summary document (or text). The deadline is this coming Sunday 22nd at midnight (UK time).
You are encouraged to tidy up your lifestream this week in any way you see fit. However, do remember that it is supposed to be a ‘scrapbook’, and you are not expected to remove or edit lots of content. I would suggest focusing on removing any content obviously not relevant to the course themes, working to tag and categorise your content clearly, as well as perhaps adding menus and making sure everything is easy to locate.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in the tutorials!