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Week 10 Summary: the dawning of a third way
“…there are things that computers cannot do – things at the very core of the project of education, things at[…]
Read moreThanks to all those on the tutorial a couple of days ago. It brought home how the global situation is a game-changer for our sector – HUGE opportunities. Educators and institutions that are adaptive and find a third way will be the big winners. #mscedc
Thanks to all those on the tutorial a couple of days ago. It brought home how the global situation is[…]
Read moreLiked on YouTube: What makes a good teacher great? | Azul Terronez | TEDxSantoDomingo
What makes a good teacher great? | Azul Terronez | TEDxSantoDomingo I’ve been asking the question: What makes a good[…]
Read moreLiked on YouTube: The One Thing All Great Teachers Do | Nick Fuhrman | TEDxUGA
The One Thing All Great Teachers Do | Nick Fuhrman | TEDxUGA With this talk, Dr. Nick Fuhrman encourages us[…]
Read more3 Ways Student Data Can Inform Your Teaching
Formative Assessments: Low-stakes assessments are really the most important and useful student data. Exit slips, brief quizzes, and thumbs up/thumbs[…]
Read moreI love the initiative. We seem to try and reinvent the wheel too much in education rather than build on what it already there and adapt it to our needs #mscedc
I love the initiative. We seem to try and reinvent the wheel too much in education rather than build on[…]
Read moreThe Algorithmic Future of Education
This keynote was delivered today at NWeLearn. The slides can also be found on Speaker Deck. This is – I[…]
Read moreThe Coronavirus Exposes Amazon’s Algorithmic Greed
At a press conference on Monday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that the state would begin to manufacture its[…]
Read more@DavidYeats3 — Sean Flower (@SeanFlower3) March 14, 2020 from Twitter March 15, 2020 at 06:35AM via IFTTT
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