Our films are comprised of shorts and classic clips. Try to watch all these over the first weeks of the course. In our tutorials, we will pick out a selection to watch together.

Short films

The Cyborg
5.03 mins

4.46 mins

The Intelligence Explosion
5.23 mins

Robots of Brixton
5.35 mins

A New Hope
2.38 mins

Uninvited Guests
4.42 mins

The Last Job on Earth
2.52 mins

Kill Your Co-Workers

Classic clips

Stop Dave, I’m afraid (from 2001: A Space Odyssey)
2.5 mins

“Gerty” (from Moon)
59 secs

Tears in rain (from Bladerunner)
4 mins

Westworld Trailer
3.10 mins

Tutorial 1: Wednesday 15th January: 11am-12noon (UK time)

Tutorial 2: Thursday 16th January, 8pm-9pm (UK time) 

Tutorial 3: Wednesday 22nd January: 11am-12noon (UK time)

Tutorial 4: Thursday 23rd January: 8pm-9pm (UK time)

Link to the rooms from Moodle